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Rob's 12 Daily Affirmations
(Adapted From Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life)

I Relaxation I am completely relaxed and whole in my physical, mental, and spiritual state. Therefore, I am utterly receptive to the spirit of creativity, goodness and love pervading the world.

II Expectation I expect the absolute best in my personal, family, and professional life. I expect, through right thought and action, that God freely gives to me, my loved ones and all people all that is needed to be fulfilled. Opportunities are and always will be limitless.

III Recognition I recognize the complete, positive, massive yet subtle force of God that permeates me at all times. This recognition that I am of God continuously fills me with strength.

IV Unification I am one with God. I am completely unified with the Divine Presence and all the creations of the world. I am unified with all that is good, powerful, and creative in the world.

V Dedication Through my work, practice, marriage, family life and friends I dedicate my existence and actions to God. When I dedicate myself to God, even the smallest action is sacred and successful. I dedicate myself to right action, diligence and hard work in my quest to be a caring and creative being.

VI Intention I intend to carry out all of my dynamic ideas, plans and thoughts. I imbue each of my positive thoughts with deep intention and resolve that cannot be shaken as they are part of God's master plan for me.

VII Identification I identify with God, all that is good, all that is creative and all that is excellent in the world. All these things identify and resonate toward me. My wife, family, friends, colleagues and the world at large identify me with all that is good, creative and excellent in the world.

VIII Conviction I am utterly convinced that I am on a spiritual and deeply satisfying life path. I am convinced, beyond any doubt, that I exceed my dreams and that I have a life of consistent joy, creative satisfaction and peace. I am convinced that I share these with others and savor all these moments with Thanksgiving.

IX Realization I realize that there is no yesterday or tomorrow. Yes, they exist but not NOW. There is only the realization that today, in this moment, is the time for positive thought and action.

X Projection My thoughts and ideas are projected into the world with passion, conviction and substance. My ideas are laser-like in intensity and lead to precise, right and spontaneous action.

XI Action I take massive action to achieve my goals. I do not wait for opportunities but rather seek them with zest. I seize the initiative to shape my destiny, effortlessly translating positive mental images into tangible, real and successful action.

XII Cooperation I cooperate with God in every area of my life to achieve my goals. I cooperate with my fellow man and most of all with myself, to achieve partnership with God. I cooperate with God so that I completely trust in all the silent and subtle forces that pervade the Universe. These positively and quietly shape my future when I surrender my negative thoughts and replace them with prayer, right action and joyous living. I cooperate with God and therefore, I am incapable of failure.

And so it is. It cannot be otherwise. With these goals, steps, and positive thoughts, I effortlessly master life's challenges and far exceed my dreams. I am open to the abundance that the Universe generates and each day I return it by giving thanks to the Creator.


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